Harvest Festival 2023

Every year in September and October many churches, schools, care homes, community organisations and places of work reach out to their communities to raise awareness of food poverty and collect food and basics for the Harvest Festival on behalf of the New Forest Basics Bank.

We are delighted to report that, despite the cost-of-living crisis and the resulting increased food prices, we had an unprecedented response this year! We are grateful for our full shelves ahead of what will undoubtedly be another difficult winter for local households in crisis. Every month we are currently supporting around 400 households with a food parcel and another 600 households through the larder scheme.

Food and household essentials donations from local organisations and individuals are critical to our ongoing operation. Moreover, cash donations allow us to purchase additional items that have not been donated in sufficient quantities. We also purchase fresh products such as milk, spread, eggs, and cheese to provide balanced food parcels that will feed households in need for one week. Our clients tell us that when they receive a parcel, it is with great relief, and much appreciation, that they can see themselves through another week in these difficult times!

We are immensely grateful for the generous support from our local community. Our charity relies 100% on donations and volunteers. The New Forest Basics Bank could not do what we do, without you.

Thank you!!


Volunteer Party 2023


New Forest Monopoly