Christmas Advent Calendars
Please help us by donating a Christmas Food Box and bring some festive cheer to our clients who are struggling during this cost-of-living crisis!
Families and individuals in food poverty are in constant ‘survival mode’: counting their pennies to keep a roof over their heads, working out where and how to stay warm and having filling food on their plates. Treats are not key to survival and will be the first items to be cut when living on a tight budget. This is why we strive to include a banana cake and a couple of treats in every weekly Food Parcel.
Leading up to Christmas we ask our wider community to please step up and help put together one or more Christmas Food Boxes containing seasonal treats for our clients. To help spread the cost and to make it fun to collect all the items, NFBB publishes its annual Reverse Advent Calendar. Please collect items for each day of November and pop them in a decorated box. If you can, do put a Christmas card in as for some recipients this will be the only card they will receive.
Please do not include any products containing alcohol or any fresh food that requires refrigeration. Kindly also ensure that the expiry dates on all items are January 2023 or later.
Kindly bring your full box(es) to the New Forest Basics Bank by 9 December, so we can make sure local families in need receive one before Christmas.
Lastly, we appreciate that it is a big ask to donate an entire Christmas box. Do rest assured that we welcome any Christmas seasonal items and all food and basics donations (in-date), so please do not feel like it must be a box full. We are open for deliveries between 9.00 am and 2.00 pm Monday to Friday.